Gmail : Mail Search Hacks For You

"Your search for search ends here"

With the growing size of inbox, better search algorithms are a necessity. When labels, stars, superstars and simple searches do not give the desired results then try these tricks.

  1. in:inbox from:Laeeq to search a mail that is in the inbox from the person Laeeq.
  2. in:Family is:starred to search a mail that is in the folder (label) Family and is starred.
  3. is:chat from:hamid to search a saved chat from the person Hamid.
  4. from:jerry filename:pdf to search a mail from jerry with .pdf as an attachment.

If you feel too lazy to type then you can let "search auto complete" from Google labs lend you a helping hand. I hope you remember the green beaker icon. Type in a few words let it pour down the suggestion for you to gulp down.


Anonymous said...

Great post...

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